Friday, May 24, 2013

Not doing so well...

Well, this week has not been very successful in regards to keto... at least not the past two nights. Last night we ordered pizza (and cheese rolls and chocolate chip pizza) and last night we ordered Chinese (and of course I got breaded sesame chicken).

I feel like I have no control lately. My weight has been hovering between 166-170 for the past two months because I keep cycling between doing low carb for a few days and then cheating the next few. I think right now it's an issue of meal planning and grocery shopping. We have a lot of meat that I've pre-portioned in the freezer but not a lot of stuff to make with it.

I'm trying to think of ways to fix this. :( I don't want to cheat, I really do want to get back into keto -- especially to the part where it was so habitual that I wasn't tempted to cheat. I think I'm going to have to go back to strictly planning out our meals for the week, and making sure that there is enough variety that I don't get bored or disgusted by it quickly and then buying the things I need for those foods only.

I think part of the problem is I've been having some kind of weird aversion to meat lately, especially meat that I have cooked and prepared.

Let's end this post on a positive note!

I did make a delicious keto dinner on Tuesday night. Cheesy Bacon Covered Chicken and a power greens salad (and a baked potato for the hubby).

To make this ridiculously easy chicken, you need:
2 chicken breasts
salt & pepper
garlic powder
olive oil
1/4 - 2/3 cup colby jack cheese
6 slices of cooked bacon

First, I trimmed any fat off the chicken and put it in a bowl with about a tablespoon of olive oil, some salt, pepper and garlic powder. Make sure the chicken is fully coated with the oil.

Heat a cast iron skillet on medium-high heat. Turn on your oven to 375 (mine was already on and heated from cooking DH's baked potato). Brown chicken on each side for a few minutes, then put the skillet into the oven to finish cooking. I'm extremely suspicious about chicken, so I probably overcooked it. A reasonable cooking time is 20-25 minutes at this point, or when the chicken temp reads done.

Once the chicken is done cooking, take out of the oven and arrange bacon and cheese on top of the chicken. Put back in the oven until cheese has reached desired meltiness. Enjoy!

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